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Would you like to strengthen a community of computational social scientists within the AISSR? Are you passionate about helping your AISSR colleagues with statistical and methodological questions? We are looking for you! The Social and Behavioral Data Science Center is setting up an internal infrastructure for providing statistical consultancy services to AISSR researchers. To support this initiative, we are seeking an enthusiastic individual to join our team of data science consultants from the FMG departments. You will play a key role in assisting researchers with their data science questions and in building a community of computational social scientists at the AISSR.

What will you do

  • Set up the consultancy system, together with a team of three data consultants from other FMG domains
  • Assist with data science and methodological questions coming from individual researchers or find relevant experts who can assist with these questions
  • Build a community of computational social scientists and encourage interdisciplinary collaborations within the AISSR (e.g. explore opportunities to obtain funding, organize tutorials, and meetups).

Who can apply

  • You have an affinity with commonly used and advanced statistical methods and commonly used statistical software
  • You have a developed network of connections with researchers at the AISSR, FMG, and within the UvA

Our offer

We offer 24-months of employment with 0.16fte (approximately one work day per week). This position can be filled by either one individual at 0.16fte or two individuals at 0.08 fte each. Preferred start date: 1 September 2023.

How to apply

The application deadline for this position is 21 July, 2023. Please send a short motivation letter (no more than 1 page) to If you send a joint application, please specify in your application who will take which responsibilities. If you have questions about the vacancy, please contact Diliara Valeeva