Terrence Jorgensen is an assistant professor of methods and statistics within the Department of Child Development and Education at the University of Amsterdam. His areas of expertise span structural equation modeling (SEM), multilevel modeling (MLM), social-relations modeling (SRM), and their intersections (i.e., ML-SEM and the SR-SEM), as well as nonparametric methods, Bayesian inference, and modern missing data methods. His methodological research interests involve statistical programming for psychometric methods. He is a coauthor of the R package lavaan and develops key software in the "lavaan ecosystem" (e.g., as primary developer of the R package semTools maintainer of the R package simsem, and contributor to the R package blavaan). The semTools package includes a variety of methods extending lavaan's capabilities, such as evaluating reliability, testing measurement equivalence / invariance (particularly in the case of ordinal indicators: item factor analysis), and applying modern missing-data methods to SEM (e.g., multiple imputation, two-stage MLE, and adding auxiliary covariates to justify FIML's MAR assumption). His most recent focus is the application of SEM to round-robin data (networks of dyadic observations).
Rinaldo Kühne is a Lecturer in the Department of Communication Science at the University of Amsterdam. Rinaldo enjoys teaching students how to develop study designs and analyze data. He also takes great pleasure in talking with researchers about their projects and thinking together about how to best solve methodological problems. In his own work, he mainly employs survey and experimental designs for data collection, and structural equation, multilevel, and generalized linear models for data analysis.
Daniel is a Computational Social Scientist who uses Agent-Based Simulation, among other methods, to explain and predict complex socio-technical systems and enhance their governance. His transdisciplinary background and research at the intersection of Sociology, Political Science, and Economics helps him to understand methodological question based on various topical backgrounds.
Johannes Aengenheyster is a PhD candidate at the Department of Sociology. He works primarily with archival and register data of organizations which he investigates with panel and network analysis. He furthermore is interested in reproducible workflows, methodological developments and spends too much time hacking on his Linux and Emacs configurations.
Don van den Bergh is a post doc in the department of psychological methods. His primary research interest is Bayesian statistics, and during his PhD he worked on Bayesian linear models and developed the Bayesian ANOVA and Bayesian Linear Regression analyses in the open-source software program JASP. His postdoc focuses on Bayesian network models. He is the author of the R package DstarM for diffusion models and maintainer of several other R packages (e.g., NetworkComparisonTest).
Fabio Votta is a post doc researcher at Department of Communication Science at the University of Amsterdam. His main research focuses on the impact of microtargeted political advertisements on citizens and society and how they are used in practice. He is very enthusiastic about implementing the whole data pipeline from scraping, to wrangling, analyzing, data visualizations and creating dashboards to communicate insights. He is the author of the metatargetr R package that provides enhanced access to the Meta ad library.