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The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences has awarded an RPA budget to the Social and Behavioural Data Science Centre in order to develop methodological, statistical, and applied research in data science. The RPA aims to make funding opportunities available to all researchers who are working in the field of data science or who want to develop research lines in that direction. The below funding opportunities have been developed in consultation with RPA members, commencing in 2023. These opportunities will run for a period of four years.

Statement on Open Science

The SoBe DSC is dedicated to advancing the principles of open science. Consequently, we strongly encourage all grant applicants to align with established standards in open science. Specifically, and within the bounds of privacy and copyright considerations, we encourage the sharing of data, code, and research materials. We also encourage potential publications resulting from SoBe DSC’s financial support to be published openly accessible. In your application, please reflect on how you will incorporate these principles.

Contributions to data science

We specifically welcome contributions that will benefit the broader data science research community, such as creating tools or generating data that other researchers can benefit from.

Funding is not intended for covering staff members' hours (e.g., compensating for teaching hours). If we invite you to share insights about your research, we would greatly appreciate your willingness to do so.

  • Interdisciplinary Data Science Projects (within FMG)

    This funding opportunity is aimed at promoting cross-domain collaborations between researchers at the FMG with an interest in data science. This funding facilitates the establishment and strengthening of interdisciplinary collaborations across FMG domains: AISSR (Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research), ASCoR (Amsterdam School of Communication Research), PsyRes (Psychology Research Institute), RICDE (Research Institute of Child development and Education). Examples of projects that may be sponsored include a) supporting a programmer to implement R-packages in JASP that would be used by researchers across domains, b) hiring a research assistant to connect data sources typically gathered in one department (e.g., social network data scraping at Communication Science domain) to analytic techniques developed at another (e.g., network analysis at Psychology domain), c) developing Shiny apps to disseminate techniques across our departments, d) developing data acquisition-to-analysis pipelines. This grant cannot be used to fund staff or buy-out teaching time.

    About the funding

    • Budget available per year: 20k
    • Maximum grant application: 10k
    • Selection process: The grants are discussed by the SoBe DSC core team. We aim to fund as many projects as we can.

    When to apply

    • Running throughout the year

    How to apply

    • Indicate interest to your SoBe DSC coordinator. Once finalized, send the form with a short description of the project with a budget to
    • The next deadline to apply is on October 1st, 2024
  • SoBe DSC Visiting Fellow

    This funding opportunity supports the travel and accommodation costs for a visiting fellow in the area of social and behavioural data science broadly defined. Ideally, the research of the Visiting Fellow is  relevant to multiple groups of researchers within FMG. The Visiting Fellow delivers a SoBe DSC lecture for the faculty. Each department can invite one visiting fellow, rotating over the four years the program runs. Organisation of the visit is the responsibility of the inviting department.

    About the funding

    • Budget available per year: 7.5K
    • Maximum grant application: 7.5K
    • Selection process: The grants are discussed by the SoBe DSC core team, in consultation with the other RPA members

    When to apply

    • Running throughout the year

    How to apply

    • There is no formal application for this grant type. Express your interest in inviting a fellow to your SoBe DSC coordinator and this candidate will be discussed with the SoBe DSC core team.
  • SoBe DSC Travel Grant

    This funding opportunity supports travel to organize data-science related lab visits. Support for participation in workshops and conferences is possible if no other funding is available, but it is important to note that the primary objective of the travel grant is to allow people to set up collaborations with researchers.  Travel grants are aimed at Master students, Ph.D. students and Postdocs. 

    About the grant

    • Budget available per year: 5K
    • Maximum grant application: 500 euros for students and PhD students; 1K for postdocs
    • Selection process: We aim to fund as many travel grants as we can on a rolling first come first serve basis. 

    How to apply

  • SoBe DSC Workshop

    This funding opportunity supports the organisation of a workshop, e.g. about methods that were developed at the UvA, to set up a new research line, or to brainstorm data science approaches relevant to the social and behavioural sciences. Funds can support travel of participants, accommodation, and social events. Organization of the visit is the responsibility of the applicants. The workshop should be open to all FMG employees.

    About the funding

    • Budget available per year: 2.5K
    • Maximum grant application: 2.5K
    • Selection process: The grants are discussed by the SoBe DSC core team

    When to apply

    • Running throughout the year

    How to apply

    • Indicate interest to your SoBe DSC coordinator. Once finalized, send the form with a short description of the project with a budget to
  • SoBe DSC Valorization Grant

    This funding possibility supports the investigation and development of research that is done in collaboration with external partners, aimed at valorization.

    For example, this funding can be used to develop collaborations withNGO’s, government agencies, methodological organisations (e.g., Center for Open Science), and companies to set up new collaborative research projects. The intention of this funding program is to operate as a seed funding possibility, for instance to support writing grant proposals or investigating the possibility for an external party to participate in a SoBe DSC research lab, by funding new Ph.D. or postdoc projects. This grant cannot be used to fund staff or buy-out teaching time.

    About the funding

    • Budget available per year: 20k
    • Maximum grant application: 10k
    • Selection process: We aim to fund as many projects as we can; if there are many applications, we will form a selection committee.

    When to apply

    • The next deadline to apply is October 1st, 2024

    How to apply

    • Indicate interest to your SoBe DSC coordinator. Once finalized, send the form with a short description of the project with a budget to
    • The next round of assessment will be conducted on October 1st, 2024
  • Data Science Staff-to-staff education

    This funding opportunity supports short courses and workshops designed to educate each other and to disseminate techniques across the FMG faculty.

    About the funding

    • Budget available per year: 5k
    • Maximum grant application: 2K (500 euros per block of 4 hours, paid out as a contribution to the teacher’s research funds)
    • Selection process: We aim to fund staff-to-staff on a rolling first come first serve basis with minimal review

    When to apply

    • Running throughout the year

    How to apply

    • Indicate interest to your SoBe DSC coordinator. Once finalized, send the form with a short description of the project with a budget to